We proudly present PHLOX.

PHLOX is accordion player Guus Herremans’ new band with new musicians, new songs and arrangements.
PHLOX arose from the ashes of his former project “The Bazz Explosion” where, due to last year’s Corona-crisis, some members unfortunately had to look for new horizons.

PHLOX are:

Elias Storme: Saxophones
Guus Herremans: Accordion
Jelle Van Cleemputte: Electrical bass
Wannes Cornelis: Drums

In 2021 PHLOX played its first gig at the Boombalfestival 2021. Later that year PHLOX was invited to Boombal in ‘De Centrale’ (Ghent, Belgium). 

We proudly present PHLOX.

PHLOX is accordion player Guus Herremans’ new band with new musicians, new songs and arrangements.
PHLOX arose from the ashes of his former project “The Bazz Explosion” where, due to last year’s Corona-crisis, some members unfortunately had to look for new horizons.

PHLOX are:

Elias Storme: Saxophones
Guus Herremans: Accordion
Jelle Van Cleemputte: Electrical bass
Wannes Cornelis: Drums

In 2021 PHLOX played its first gig at the Boombalfestival 2021. Later that year PHLOX was invited to Boombal in ‘De Centrale’ (Ghent, Belgium). 


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