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First names of the Baile’s Program of Andanças are already confirmed!

Two months to go until the Andanças Festival 2022 and we already really want to dance! The first names of the Baile’s Program are already confirmed!

AÉROKORDA (Belgium) ♦ PARAPENTE 700 (Portugal) ♦ GERONIMO (Belgium) ♦ DAHU (Portugal) ♦ BAIÃO POWER TRIO (Forró, Brazil) ♦ LA RÚA DEL BAL (Spain) ♦ DUO DE SCHEPPER SOUVANDJIEV (Belgium) ♦ NÃO ÉS TU SOU EU (Portugal) ♦ BUREL (Portugal) ♦ FOLKY BAL’BOA (Portugal) ♦ SERGIO COBOS (Galiza) ♦ BRUNO ET MARIA (Switzerland) ♦ LO STIVALE CHI BALLA (Italy) ♦ ULÚA (Spain) ♦ LA RUA DEL BAL (Spain) ♦ GIRAVOLT (Spain)

More details about the program coming soon here.

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