The Andanças approach
Andanças promotes a holistic vision and considers the whole life cycle of products and services, from production processes to consumption. With our idealized objective of “zero waste” we are trying to contribute to more sustainable consumption habits and life styles. 
Principles and Compromises
At PédeXumbo are aware that any event of large dimensions has considerable environmental, social and economic impacts – even cultural events like a festival. Therefore we are striving to be aware of, and reduce, possible negative impacts of Andanças. We choose to adopt best practices and apply them in a continuous and progressive way. Our objectives are:

1. To reduce negative local and global impacts, having the festival touching the planet with the smallest and lightest footprint possible.
2. To create local and regional changes towards sustainability, by introducing best practices which will take root and bear fruit.
3. To spread principles and practices which our participants will take home with them, like seeds ready to sprout and flourish in other places, in their day-to-day life.
With only small changes in our behavior we can make the world a fairer and more sustainable place with more solidarity.
We invite you to come and experiment, and share living Andanças in all its facets.
Zero single-use items
At Andanças we do not use disposable dishes – there are no single-use plastic cups, plates or cutlery. We have re-usable mugs for each participant, and plates and cutlery are washed after meals.
The mug is a symbol of Andanças and PédeXumbo. Bring your own cup from home, with a capacity of up to 20 cl (material and shape are up to you). Alternatively you can get one at the festival for a small deposit. At the end you can return the mug and get your money back. 
To reduce use of plastic water bottles we provide drink water taps. Besides, we encourage the sale of pressurized drinks like beer from tap. We also promote the use of sugar cups instead of individually packed sugar, and the use of wooden disposable sticks for stirring coffee. 
Zero waste of water
Water is a precious and scarce resource. At Andanças we promote responsible use of water and encourage water saving. We are using automatic taps to avoid waste of water. 
Zero waste of food – the right portion!
At Andanças we strive to reduce food waste by encouraging people to take only the quantity of food they need – the right portion, or “Dose Certa”.
Making a habit of using sustainable ways of transport
Using public transport or car sharing has innumerable advantages, economically, environmentally (like reduction of emissions and energy consumption), and socially. At Andanças we try to show that these are viable options: public transport to the festival, getting a lift among friends or via online platforms. Above all, it is a question of conscience, motivation and planning ahead.
Making a habit of re-using
It is easy to give a longer life to objects that surround us. This way we can avoid waste, save natural resources and energy used in the production process. At Andanças we try to bring this message across by encouraging each participant to personalize their mug and to re-use it at our other events. We also remind, that water bottles can be refilled with tap water and that dishes should be reusable. We also avoid merchandising. 
Making a habit of recycling
Nowadays recycling is a habit for most people. At Andanças we collect different types of waste separately for recycling. Our mini recycling centres for packing material are distributed throughout the festival area. Organic waste is collected separately for local composting. 
Making a habit of using an ashtray
If you are a smoker, consider to bring a pocket ashtray with you, or get one at the festival. We have several alternatives available. The idea is to create a habit of it, so cigarette butts will not end up on the floor – at the festival, but also afterwards. 
Zero-kilometer menu
At Andanças we use local providers whenever possible. Meals are prepared with locally produced ingredients. Our objective is to support local economy, but also to reduce the ecological footprint, and to avoid unnecessary food costs.
Portuguese products
We want to support national production and creativity, and look for products and services of highest sustainability and quality. We believe that Andanças plays an active part in raising awareness and influencing the market (producers, suppliers and consumers). We show that there is a demand and a place for sustainable alternatives, and for innovative companies which share our vision. 
Renewable energy
Portugal has plenty of renewable energy sources, like the sun, wind and the sea. Besides our concern about reducing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency, we also try to share knowledge of alternative energy sources at Andanças, especially related to solar energy: for lighting, water heating, or cooking (for example in solar ovens). 
Best Non-Music Festival:
A PédeXumbo é uma Estrutura Financiada por:
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Projeto Co-financiado por:
Parceiros Locais:
Parceiros de Programação:
Parceiros de Mobilidade Sustentável:
Parceiros de Comunicação:
Rádio Oficial:
Parceiros saúde: