Space Decoration
Open Call for Artistic Intervention Project 
-Closed Call - 
The applications for the Artistic Intervention Project at the Andanças Festival 2018 are open until June 1st.  Pédexumbo Association, organizer of the Andanças Festival, offers a scholarship of €3,000* (including tuition and purchase of material) for individuals or groups (maximum limit of 5 people) who apply for the Artistic Intervention Project at the Andanças Festival 2018. This project is aimed at artistic intervention in the different areas of the festival (main area, other programming areas, garden where the market takes place and canteen), as well as the construction of signage for the different spaces. The project should take place during the month of July, and accommodation and meals will be provided in Castelo de Vide for a maximum period of one month, by the promoter of the festival. We privilege sustainable practices in the process of construction and decoration, through the reuse of materials. The organization may make available tools and materials from previous editions. There will be a team of 5 volunteers to support the implementation of the project on the ground, for a period of 5 days (with a date to be defined). Candidates for the project should send CV, portfolio, photographs of work done, website and letter of motivation to until 1st  June. The selection of the project will be communicated until June 15.
-Closed Call - 
*All expenses (fees and materials) must be justified with a valid accounting document in the name of the Pedexumbo Association.
Best Non-Music Festival:
A PédeXumbo é uma Estrutura Financiada por:
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Projeto Co-financiado por:
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Parceiros de Mobilidade Sustentável:
Parceiros de Comunicação:
Rádio Oficial:
Parceiros saúde: