Artistic proposals
Another edition of Andanças that will promote traditional music and dance, facilitate encounters, sharing and knowledge exchange between individuals, groups, generations, and cultures. In Andanças program we want to create a mix of the traditional and the contemporary, keeping in mind that folk music and dance are also synonyms of creativity, identity, and also of affirmation. 

We are looking for original and creative proposals which are participative, provoke movement, stimulate interaction and enhance joy,  dreams and celebration, looking ahead to new perspectives. We want to keep Andanças a place for dreams and for the encounter of traditional and contemporary art – for the past and the future to meet. A place where innovative tendencies and perspectives cross over culture and society, and where interactions and dynamics of mutual benefit are possible and encouraged.

Call for Artistic Proposals for the artistic program for Andanças 2019 take place from 11 February to 11 March. More info here. 

Please if you have questions about the Andanças program.
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