What we do at Andanças
One of our objectives is to provide insight in and raise awareness of life cycles of production processes and consumption of both, products and services. We want to get as close as possible to the idealized goal of “zero waste”, by closing the cycles on local, regional and national scale. With that we want to contribute to more sustainable consumption pattern and lifestyles.
Principles and commitments
We at PédeXumbo know, that any large event has environmental, social and economical impacts – cultural events like festivals are no exception. Therefore we try to be aware of the negative impacts of Andanças and to reduce them. In order to reach this goal we do our best – continually and progressively – with the following objectives:

1. Reduce local and global negative impacts, in a way, that the festival is disturbing the planet as little as possible
2. Reate and establish local and regional changes for a better sustainability, by applying best practices which take root and bear fruit
3. Spread principles and practices; experiences which our participants can take with them to apply them in their day-to-day life
We at PédeXumbo believe, that demonstration and sharing of environmental, social and economical responsibility contributes to the development of awareness and of a more sustainable culture. Because often we simply forget to think about the consequences of our actions and to actively search for alternatives. The strong positive response from participants of Andanças confirms our approach.

The world could be much fairer, more ethical and sustainable with just some small changes in our behavior. This is an invitation to try it, and to share all that with us – living Andanças and enjoying its great diversity.

Our vision and the framework of Andanças with its unique concept, is to contribute to a better sustainability, to a better Portugal and a better world. Our basic principles are stated in the Letter of Compromise PX and in the section The 4 pillars.
Zero disposable goods
At Andanças there will be no disposable plastic cups, plates or cutlery. Reusable mugs are available for every participant and whenever possible we provide reusable plates and cutlery, which will be washed after the meals. In the few cases this is not possible, paper cups and plates will be used and composted on site.
The Mug is a symbol of Andanças and of PédeXumbo – something you will find very useful at the festival. Bring your own mug from home with a capacity of up to 20 cl (can be of any material and form). Or you get one at the festival for a small deposit. At the end you can return it and get your money back. Everyone profits from this concept, but above all we avoid disposable plastic cups.
Drinking water will be provided through the tap on several access points. This way we avoid the use of plastic bottles. Other drinks, like beer, will be served from the tap in order to reduce consumption of glass bottles and cans. We also encourage the use of sugar bowls instead of individual sugar sachets, and of alternatives toplastic sticks for stirring coffee.
Zero waste of water
At Andanças we want to encourage a responsible use of water by all participants, as it is precious and scarce. We will try to reduce the consumption of water and avoid waste by using automatic faucets. Of all toilets, 32% are dry toilets. Besides, the water in many of the toilet cisterns will be untreated. That way, we can reduce the water consumption of the festival by 22%.
Zero waste of food – Dose certa!
We also want to avoid food leftovers at Andanças through the initiative of the Dose Certa (transl.: the right serving). The objective is to encourage people only to take as much food as they can eat, having the goal that no food is left on the plate. We also try to reduce kitchen leftovers from preparing the meals. Different approaches aim to this objective and the results are very promising.
Zero waste of goods
This year's challenge of Andanças is, to provide more information and to monitor all processes of the whole festival to reduce refuse and waste as much as possible. We are trying to reduce unnecessary consumption and reuse any possible products and equipments.equipamentos.
Dry toilets
At Andanças we are trying to give participants the opportunity to try something new for a few days and form an opinion. Therefore we provide a number of alternatives, for example different types of toilets. Of course there is the traditional option, but there also are dry toilets available for all. This year we have 40 dry toilets, which reduces the water consumption of the festival significantly. They also have less impact on the terrain due to less sanitary infrastructure. For the same reason they can be set up in remote places, offering better comfort to our participants. This solution also helps reducing CO2 emissions by reducing the transport of waste water to the nearest treatment plant. 
Using sustainable means of transport by habit
Public transport or car sharing has so many advantages. Besides economic and ecological reasons (like the reduction of greenhouse gas emission and energy consumption) there are also social aspects. For example you have more time for fellow travellers and you can better appreciate the journey. At Andanças we want to show, that those are great options to travel: public transport directly to the festival site, car sharing among friends or via web-sites. It is all just a question of conscience, motivation and advanced planning.
Reusing as a habit
It is easy to prolong the lifetime of certain goods. Thus we avoid waste, and safe natural resources as well as energy used in the production process. During Andanças, we want to bring along this message. Our participants can get their own Mug and use it during other events by PédeXumbo. Also water bottles can be refilled from the tap and the dishes should be reused. Besides, merchandising should be avoided. 
Recycling as a habit
Waste separation for recycling already is a habit for many of us. At Andanças different types of waste will be collected separately. There will be bins for packaging material all over the festival grounds. Organic waste will be composted on site. And other materials will be collected at special points, like used batteries, corks and used cooking oil. 
Carrying your own ashtray as a habit
Sf you are smoking, you could bring your own pocket-ashtray, or you could get one at the festival. We have different alternatives available. The idea is getting used to carry your own ashtray. So, cigarette butts always end up at their correct destination, and not on the floor. There will also be ashtrays at tables and around the festival grounds, which also aim at fire prevention.
Menu “Zero Kilometers”
Whenever possible during Andanças, we try to prepare the meals in the canteen from locally grown products. The farmers in the region are already working towards that goal. The objective is, to support the local economy, but also to reduce the ecological footprint (the negative environmental impact, energy and fuel consumption, emission of greenhouse gases, etc.) and unnecessary costs for the food. This is great for our health, the planet and the local economy. 
Buying local products
Local, regional and national suppliers (in this order), are our first choice whenever possible. We want to support national production and the creation of more sustainable products and services of high quality. We think that Andanças plays an active role and has influence on the market (products, suppliers, consumers). It can show that there is demand and room for sustainable alternatives and for innovative companies, which make a difference and are working towards a better world.
Renewable energy
Portugal has rich resources of renewable energies, like the Sun, the wind and the sea. Besides reducing the consumption of energy and improving the energy efficiency, we are also showing different alternatives of using especially solar energy: for illumination, for heating of water, or even for cooking (in solar ovens).
A PédeXumbo é uma Estrutura Financiada por:
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Parceiros de Mobilidade Sustentável:
Parceiros de Comunicação:
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