20 Andanças — The Challenge
In 2016 we continue celebrating 20 years of Andanças with the motto The Challenge. 
Over 20 editions, Andanças became an established dance and music festival in Portugal, where artists and audience actively interact. The festival is based on traditional practices. Artists and Participants reinterpret those and merge them to new and innovative artistic expressions. 
Le programme 2016 de Andanças se composera de nombreux projets répondant aux valeurs de coopération et de développement durable ; des projets qui proposeront des formes innovatrices d’expression, provoqueront, surprendront, éveilleront l’esprit critique du public sur l’art, la tradition, l’identité, la société et la contemporanéité. Le programme se veut à la fois une incitation à la rencontre avec la différence, l’autre, la tradition et la nouveauté, et une invitation au dialogue, dans un but d’enrichissement mutuel et de création d’un espace de bien-être.

20 ans d’Andanças, c’est un moment-clé pour relever le défi, réfléchir sur chaque élément du festival et son rôle dans la société.
Balls are the central activities and the selection of artistic proposals will reflect this. But there is also room for breaks. There are areas to rest and think, or to meet and chat in surprising ways.

Andanças is a space for artistic interactions, both planned and spontaneous, for mixtures of musical styles, languages and artistic perceptions. From this approach, new projects emerge and enrich the festival each year. Andanças is a strong, lively artistic place which marks generations in peace with their identity.
Artistic events like theatre, plastic arts, cinema and circus will be part of the program as well, taking place at unlikely places. This emphasizes the relation of the events with the place and the environment in present times.
The diversity of the audience of Andanças and the multitude of proposed activities allows the construction of a dense and dynamic network of interactions, which transforms the festival into a global village. 
A PédeXumbo é uma Estrutura Financiada por:
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