Principles and commitments
We at PédeXumbo know, that any large event has environmental, social and economical impacts – cultural events like festivals are no exception. Therefore we try to be aware of the negative impacts of Andanças and to reduce them. In order to reach this goal we do our best – continually and progressively – with the following objectives:
  • reduce local and global negative impacts, in a way, that the festival is disturbing the planet as little as possible
  • create and establish local and regional changes for a better sustainability, by applying best practices which take root and bear fruit
  • spread principles and practices; experiences which our participants can take with them to apply them in their day-to-day life
We at PédeXumbo believe, that demonstration and sharing of environmental, social and economical responsibility contributes to the development of awareness and of a more sustainable culture. Because often we simply forget to think about the consequences of our actions and to actively search for alternatives. The strong positive response from participants of Andanças confirms our approach. The world could be much fairer, more ethical and sustainable with just some small changes in our behavior. This is an invitation to try it, and to share all that with us – living Andanças and enjoying its great diversity. Our vision and the framework of Andanças with its unique concept, is to contribute to a better sustainability, to a better Portugal and a better world. Our basic principles are stated in the Letter of Compromise PX and in the section The 4 pillars.
A PédeXumbo é uma estrutura apoiada por:
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