Letter of Compromise PX *
PédeXumbo, as social-cultural representative, is committed to ensure a careful and responsible attitude in all its activities. Thus, PédeXumbo tries to contribute to a better world and more sustainable lifestyles. Our attitude bases on four pillars: social, cultural, environmental and economical responsibility. It focuses on the following practical principles, which represent our fundamentals of a conscious life:

01. Joy, well-being and celebration of life
02. Contact to and respect for nature
03. A culture of communication and participation
04. Simplicity and creativity
05. Comprehensive education and development of consciousness
06. Responsible use of resources and local economy
07. Reduction of the environmental footprint
08. Organizational culture and responsible lifestyle
09. Social responsibility and community development
10.   Global multicultural village

*Approved during the General Assembly Meeting on 29 May 2011

Download the Letter of Compromise of PX
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